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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best book magazine in the UK“, DCI Burt and his Special Resolutions team have their work cut out in John Reid’s latest whodunit when two murdered policemen and a decapitated woman with connections to La Cosa Nostra are found. 

The Norwich Murders

Fans of intriguing crime writer John Reid will be delighted DCI Steve Burt’s latest seemingly unsolvable case, which splits the Special Resolutions team split between Norwich and London.

Juxtaposing contemporary issues of UK and European drug running and prostitution rings with the ancient villain of La Cosa Nostra, The Norwich Murders immerses fans in the company of familiar characters and a compelling new back-story for his beloved literary DCI. With a question mark surrounding how to join the murderous and corruption centric dots, The Norwich Murders leaves fans transfixed and wanting more.

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As well as the murders, DCI Burt and his Special Resolutions find they have another challenging mystery to solve as they discover connections to the ancient La Cosa Nostra, and modern-day drug running and prostitution rings in the UK and Europe. But if the various strings involved in the cases have any connection, what and where is it?

On the personal front, DCI Burt is made an offer he finds difficult to refuse but which would mean a huge upheaval in his domestic situation. What will he do about that?

John Reid

Born in Dundee, Scotland, John Reid lived there with his wife Liz and their two sons before moving to Kent for work. After making several more moves around the south of England, the family eventually moved back north of the border, now splitting their time between Scotland and Portugal.

When he’s not typing with one finger, he can be found getting frustrated on the golf course, watching Formula 1, or spending time with friends and family.

I retired for the first time in 1995 to take on a consultancy designed to help new businesses become established, and in 2018 I finally retired from business life and had the opportunity to start writing the novel that I had carried around for over 40 years. That book was The Forgotten Gun, and I haven’t looked back since. The DCI Steve Burt series goes from strength to strength, and I am now on a second series with a new character.

-John Reid

Find more from John Reid now:

Published by Vanguard Press, The Norwich Murders is available in paperback (ISBN No:  978-1800164635) and Kindle format.



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