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On The Table Read, “the best book magazine in the UK“, author and realtor Jason Gelios talks about his new book, Beating The Force Of Average, which teaches readers how to make positive changes in their lives.

Written by JJ Barnes
I interviewed Jason Gelios about his life and career, and his latest book, a passion project to teach readers how to get the most out of their lives, Beating The Force Of Average.

Tell me a bit about who you are.

I am a top producing realtor in serving the Southeast Michigan market, an author of two books Think Like a Realtor and Beating The Force Of Average, and an expert media contributor of real estate expertise across the globe. I am also a husband and proud father of two wonderful children.
I can remember as far back as middle school, spending countless hours in the library reading the Hardy Boys books. I loved that time spent reading these stories and feeling like I was experiencing a whole other world. You could say I have always had a love for books and the knowledge they provide. I love reading what others have to share, which is why I mainly stick to non-fiction books. When it came time to write one, I became ecstatic about the idea of creating something that came from the heart, something that I could be proud of. Â
When did you first WANT to write a book?
Throughout my life I had always thought it would be satisfying to be an author. I’m a fan of reading and what books have to offer, but it wasn’t until 2018 that I started working on my first book ‘Think Like a Realtor’. At the time, I was looking to have something of value that I could offer those I interact with, or wanted to work with, as well as others who could benefit from my knowledge. This idea became accelerated when I began researching how to create a book. It drove me further to actually start the project and make it a reality.
When did you take a step to start writing?

My formal writing effort began in 2018 with my first book ‘Think Like a Realtor; A little book about buying and selling residential real estate through the eyes of a realtor’.

This book was created as a helpful reference for anyone looking to buy or sell real estate. The idea first came to me when I was looking for a way to stand out from the crowd. Considering I have a passion for printed books, it felt like a great idea to create a book that would be well received, other than handing out a business card.
How long did it take you to complete your first book from the first idea to release?
My first book took me about two years from jotting down thoughts to designing and completing the book. This book took longer because I was learning the process and what I needed to do in terms of designing, formatting and publishing. I did save a ton of time utilizing my background in print design to create my own book design. Although I was beating myself up over whether or not I liked the design I came up with. Not to mention I was working on it outside of my regular work schedule. There was trial and error along the way, but it better prepared me for creating my second book.
How long did it take you to complete your latest book from the first idea to release?
My second book Beating ‘The Force Of Average’ took about a year to complete. While this book is larger with more pages than my first book, I came into this project with more experience as an author. From idea to completion, it took about one year. My second book is more of a passion project I wanted to share with the masses, so I was working on it in my spare time around my other endeavors. Most of the time was spent on content and making sure I had everything I wanted to share included in my rough draft.
Focusing on your latest release. What made you want to write Beating The Force Of Average?
One of the reasons why I created this book, Beating The Force Of Average, is because I wanted to share the knowledge I gained over the course of my career from struggling laborer to successful professional. I had learned so much on my journey to success and felt the need to provide others with the hope they may need to make a change in their own life-for the better. You could say this book is my passion project. If just one person makes a positive change in their life because they read this book then I feel it is a success.

What were your biggest challenges with writing Beating The Force Of Average?

The biggest challenge I faced in writing my second book was having to reformat my text to be appropriate for the size of the book I was creating. Even though I had researched what the gutter margin, or inside spine, should be for the interior of the book, I realized that when I viewed the print author copy, my text was too close to the inside crease. This made it hard to read because you would have to open the book too far. After realizing this, I had to increase the margin and reformat all my text, causing a delay in my process. This really frustrated me at the time, but I remained focused on my end goal and pushed through, making the final copy very rewarding to see.
What was your research process for Beating The Force Of Average?
The majority of my research involved fine tuning the information I was sharing and making sure I had everything where it needed to be, and that nothing important was left out. Further research went into finding inspiration to create the overall design of my book-inside and out. I feel the research phase is very important, which is why I spent hours on this part of creating the book.
How did you plan the structure of Beating The Force Of Average?
After creating my first book, I learned some ways to make it easier to begin my second book efficiently. One of the tips I learned is to write each topic I wanted to include onto separate index cards and organize each one in a manner that flows well for the book. This allowed me to move each topic around until I was satisfied with the outline of my book. Once I completed this step, I dove deeper into each topic and worked on them individually. This was helpful for me because my attention get’s pulled in many different directions. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to gain focus on their book idea.
Did you get support with editing, and how much editing did Beating The Force Of Average need?
Once I felt confident that my rough draft was ready to be proofed, I had an expert proofread the draft to ensure everything was punctuated correctly and worded accurately. It was very helpful because my proofreader also made suggestions on using different words to convey a point. I feel it’s an absolute must to have an expert proofread your book before making it a final draft. For my books, the changes that were suggested have, in my opinion, made it an even better read.

What is the first piece of writing advice you would give to anyone inspired to write a book?

The best advice I can give potential authors is to get your thoughts out of your head and into a rough draft, whether it’s creating a digital file or writing down the words on paper, get everything out without worrying about punctuation or organization at this time. This will not only inspire you to move further along, it will also mean you got started on the process.
When I first had the idea about writing my first book, I used a voice app to gather my thoughts and turn them into words. I would have an idea or thought come to mind and I would grab my phone and start voice dictating everything into the app. I would later organize those thoughts and words into sections for my rough draft. Â
The key is to just get started.
Can you give me a hint about any further books you’re planning to write?
While I don’t have anything concrete for a third book, I am looking to release some ebooks in 2023 hovering around helpful tips for buying and selling real estate. Although you never know when inspiration will hit!
And, finally, are you proud of your accomplishment? Was it worth the effort?
After putting time and effort into both my books, I can honestly say it is very rewarding. When you put your heart into creating a book, seeing the final product is the most satisfying part. It’s also satisfying to hear the words of encouragement of others who come across your book. Many people still love the printed book and they get excited when they know a local author who put in the work necessary to create a book. While the process of writing a book can be daunting at times, it feels great to see your completed book in hand. In the long run creating a book is well worth the effort and I plan on doing it again.
Pop all your book, website and social media links here so the readers can find you:
Purchase my real estate book THINK LIKE A REALTOR®: A little book about buying and selling residential real estate through the eyes of a REALTOR® here:
(Also available anywhere books are sold online)
Purchase my book ‘Beating The Force Of Average’ here:
(Also available anywhere books are sold online)
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