Tag: Writing Tips

How Creatives Can Find Freedom in Freelancing
Whats The Difference Between Proofreading And Editing
Ep18 How To Write Perseverence
Ep17 How To Write A Wicked Step Mother
Ep16 Why You Shouldnt Drift Off Plot
Reasons Why Story Telling Is A Specific Skill And Why Its Okay To Ask For Help
Ep15 How To Write Humans That Are Scarier Than Monsters
Why Schools Make Such A Good Story Setting
Ep13 Who Are You Writing For
Ep12 Why Dwight Schrute Is The Perfect Character
Ep11 How To Write Emotional Scars
Ep9 How To Write In A Three Act Structure
The Questions You Need To Ask When Developing Your Story
Characterisation Lessons In The US Office
5 Things To Consider Before Becoming An Author