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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best book magazine in the UK“, Playing With Fire by Coleen Greenwood and Karen Crear shares Coleen’s experience of falling for a narcissistic conman who lied about his name, marital status, job, cancer and vasectomy.

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Playing with Fire – the True Story of Fireman Scam is a story of such deceit and wrongdoing that even in fiction it could appear too farfetched. The author bravely recounts her life and the time she spent with the person she believed to be the man of her dreams.

When Coleen Greenwood met James Scott, he was a gallant fireman and her ideal man who offered her a happily ever after, however he had lied, about without question, everything. He robbed her family of money, he took cash from a charity, and he ripped off businesses. Everything that James had told Coleen was a lie. He had faked his name, faked his job, faked his relationship status and even, oddly, faked a vasectomy.

The man Coleen loved just didn’t exist. There was no James Scott legend fireman. There was, however, Greg Wilson the cheat and conman.

Coleen Greenwood And Karen Crear

Coleen Greenwood and Karen Crear on The Table Read Magazine
Coleen Greenwood and Karen Crear

Without an ounce of self indulgence, Coleen Greenwood and her co-writer and twin sister, Karen Crear, submerge readers in Coleen’s life with James and explore how each part of how a normal and happy life was created from a string of lies.

With Coleen’s living nightmare shared across the media (including The Daily Mail, sitting on the couch with Holly Willoughby on This Morning, and the subject of a BBC Sounds number 1 podcast series ‘Love Bombed with Vicky Pattison’), this biography has, at its core, the tragic reality that everything isn’t always as it seems.

Highlighting the need to be cautious when trying out online dating, (Coleen met James this way), Playing With Fire is a remarkable and unputdownable read. Not because of the behaviour of the dangerous and narcissistic ‘James Scott’, but the strength, fortitude and dignity of Coleen, how she got justice, and how she is currently moving forwards with the people who love her.

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