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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best book magazine in the UK“, Thane Lawrie, has released a new book, The Buddhist CEO, in which Hamish meets a Buddhist monk and learns to find a healthy work-life balance.

The Buddhist CEO

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The Buddhist CEO

ir?t=jjbarnes 21&language=en GB&l=li3&o=2&a=B0BJ12FG1XIn The Buddhist CEO, Hamish has a chance encounter with a Buddhist monk that has a big impact on his life. He hopes to one day become a monk, but he also has a deep love for his family and is unexpectedly promoted to CEO of a struggling nonprofit for his compassionate leadership at work. He has made it a goal over the years to incorporate Buddhism into everything he does, frequently visiting a Buddhist monastery to find peace, solitude, and solutions to everyday problems.

Lawrie stated that on the surface, the main character is a great success. But as he faces the challenges of his job, he goes through internal turmoil, and the book is about how he tries to lead like a Buddhist CEO. He enjoys the highs of accomplishing the impossible, but he is discouraged by the challenging staffing issues he faces and struggles with the pressure to consistently deliver.

Hamish’s staff are plotting against him behind the scenes, secretly recording his meetings and even taking him to court. Can the Buddhist CEO overcome these obstacles while remaining true to his core values and beliefs?

Thane Lawrie on The Table Read Magazine
Thane Lawrie

Thane Lawrie

Thane Lawrie, a former CEO, had firsthand experience with the health effects of leadership responsibilities. Lawrie, who has been a practicing Buddhist for more than 20 years, took an early retirement in 2021 due to health issues. He used his experiences to write his new book, The Buddhist CEO, which uses allegory to look at a leader’s struggle to balance being a committed Buddhist with the constant pressures of his job.

Together with his wife and two children, Thane Lawrie lives in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. In six of his seven years as CEO, Lawrie won awards for his nonprofit organization, which made the Sunday Times 100 Best Companies to Work For list in the United Kingdom. In addition, he was honored for the world-class culture he created at the company by receiving a number of local business awards. Lawrie is well-suited to write the book The Buddhist CEO because he has been a Buddhist for 23 years.

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For more information, visit, or connect with the author on Twitter (@BuddhistCEO), Instagram (Thanelawrie_buddhist-author) and Facebook (Thane Lawrie – Author of The Buddhist CEO).





Twitter: @BuddhistCEO

LinkedIn: @thane-lawrie

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