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On The Table Read Magazine, “the best book magazine in the UK“, launching the Little Earth Trilogy, The Yellow Mist by Flossee Lawerence sees the Edgar pixie clan able to converse with baby dragon Bernie, changing their lives forever.

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The Yellow Mist

Bursting with humour, adventure, heartwarming moments, and a good dose of magical suspense, The Yellow Mist by Flossee Lawrence was inspired by the make-believe worlds she invented for her grandchildren. This first volume in her new middle grade/ young adult rural fantasy fiction, the Little Earth Trilogy, shines bright with world building and characters – both pixie and dragons.

The Yellow Mist by Flossee Lawrence on The Table Read Magazine
The Yellow Mist by Flossee Lawrence

The Yellow Mist follows five generations of the Edgar pixie clan in Edgar village, situated just beyond the forest at the foot of mount Edgar, home to the green dragons. It is the norm for the pixie folk to fear dragons, but the Edgar clan are the exception to the rule and a unique relationship has evolved between them.

Then Bernie is born. Bernie has been gifted with the ability to talk in the tongue of the magical folk and plays an integral part in the Edgar pixies life, but does he turn bad? Is it all a tragic accident? The story unfolds over three books until a dramatic and devastating climax.

With its intended audience of readers aged nine to 18, The Yellow Mist by Flossee Lawrence delivers an original and impressive narrative, that doesn’t borrow from other pixie and dragon lore. With themes of friendship, acceptance, and good ultimately trumping evil, The Yellow Mist will find favour with all those with a passion for tales that unleash the imagination, and a penchant for dragons.

Flossee Lawrence

For many years I found myself very busy with life and it was not until 2009 when my first grandchild was born that my passion for storytelling was rekindled, and I began to create stories and characters for my grandchildren. One of whom was a talking dragon named Bernie who could not control his fire. From this, and over the next decade or so the trilogy of Little Earth was created.

-Flossee Lawrence

Born in Dartford Kent in 1957, Flossee wrote her first novella at just eight years old. Her teacher was so impressed, she read it to the class over a few days. Flossee went on to write copious amounts of poetry mostly for her family to mark significant events or help them through troubled times. She did, however, have a poem published in a magazine.

Flossee thanks the stars that she has a very supportive family. She has three grown up children Luke, Dan and Hannah, two grown up stepsons Ashley and Arron and six grandchildren. Last, but by no means least, is her fabulous husband Paul who proofreads all Flossee’s work and gives her constructive feedback.

Flossee lives in East Sussex with Paul and her three dogs. She works as a registered nurse specialising in learning disability and brain injury. She believes herself to be very fortunate as her home is surrounded by countryside where she and her dogs take long walks. This is when she is at her most creative. Flossee allows her imagination free reign and her best story lines are conceived.

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