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Written by JJ Barnes
I interviewed Mikey Moran about his career, what inspires him, and the creative process behind his new book, Fearless Beauty.
When did you first WANT to write a book?

I have wanted to write a book for years! I was hesitant to start writing until I reached a certain level of success. It was important to me that the advice I give was proven, relatable, and actionable. The book I published in 2021 is exponentially better than what I could have done five years prior because of the experience I gained quickly growing a company.
Quickly growing a business from zero to eight figures takes a certain mindset and a list of strategies. The book was an important part of documenting the early strategies into something that could benefit the entrepreneurs of the future.
When did you take a step to start writing?
The process for discovery and writing began in June of 2020. With Covid being in full force I knew I wouldn’t be doing any summer travel so I thought it was a perfect time for me to be focused on a book. I started with the outline of the book’s structure, chapters, and then filled it in. Organizing my life stories was a crucial part of the book as well.

How long did it take you to complete your first book from the first idea to release?
The entire process took about ten months with the book launching April 14th, 2021. It might have been the most consistent I have ever been with a project. My dedication to the consistency of creating Fearless Beauty was over forty weeks strong.
What made you want to write Fearless Beauty?
I wanted to share my experience and theory of being an Entrepreneur. There have not been a lot of business books written about being an entrepreneur in the beauty industry despite its massive size. It’s the book I wish someone handed me fifteen years ago right before I started my first business. It was also a dedication to my Mom’s recent passing.

What were your biggest challenges with writing Fearless Beauty?
Self-doubt was my biggest challenge with writing Fearless Beauty. I keep asking myself “is this good enough?” As a highly confident person in business, I had not experienced self-doubt in many years. I embraced the feelings and continued to push through to create a phenomenal book.
What was your research process for Fearless Beauty?

The research was collecting my thoughts about stories, strategies, and experiences that I could share to help the reader connect to the book and learn from it. As thoughts and stories came to mind I would add them to a list for further discovery.
How did you plan the structure of Fearless Beauty?
The book is broken down into two parts. The first four chapters are all about the entrepreneurial mindset that is needed. This includes a few pages that were written by my long-term girlfriend about what it’s like to be in a relationship with an entrepreneur.
The second half of the book focuses on proven strategies, methods, and actionable steps to start and successfully run a business. This includes business books, credit cards, marketing strategies, branding, and technology.
Did you get support with editing, and how much editing did Fearless Beauty need?
Yes, of course! It was important to publish a well-crafted book that flows well, doesn’t have grammatical errors, and is professional. I think all writers should hire a professional team to double-check every aspect of their book. We went through many revisions to achieve the best book I could create at this point in my entrepreneurial journey.

What is the first piece of writing advice you would give to anyone inspired to write a book?
Have a full understanding of the commitment it takes to write a book. This is countless hours of brainstorming, writing, revisions, organization, book cover design, and more. Consistency is 100% key. Find a good team to help you with the process and keep you on track for success.
Can you give me a hint about any further books you’re planning to write?
I am planning on writing a follow-up book that is more focused solely on branding and marketing. These are two things that are crucial for the success of a business after you have pushed past the start-up mode. It will be more complex but I plan on explaining it so that it’s easy to understand and relate to.

And, finally, are you proud of your accomplishment? Was it worth the effort?
I am more than proud of the book. The book was dedicated to my mother who passed away months before the writing process. She was a compulsive reader and I know she would have been proud of Fearless Beauty. The messages from entrepreneurs, many features in media like Entrepreneur, and a rave review by Kirkus have completely satisfied my previous self-doubt about the book. Not only would I do it all over again, but I also will.
Pop all your book, website, and social media links here so the readers can find you:
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